The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle

R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy

The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

Your sluggish lifestyle will be changed into a healthy one by me!
In just ten days, I’ll have you feeling great!
I’ll reveal to you five methods for developing six-pack abs…

I apologise, but I do not provide or market any secret mantra for maintaining a healthy weight. You must change your attitude toward being healthy in order to achieve the desired results.

The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

Get this clear "A healthy lifestyle is always a decision, not something that just happens." - Ajinkya 

My Analogy

The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

I have been working out for a long time, and trust me it’s been on and off and not as regular as I thought it would be. In the last 10 years, I learned certain must-do things which can change your mindset and in return make you healthy and positive in your life. 

I understood that there is a secret everyone need, to follow a healthy lifestyle, and here is what I am giving my secret to R.E.V.E.R.S.E your lazy lifestyle and start living a healthy lifestyle. Now you must be thinking what is this crap he is saying. I know what reverse means and what is the great secret about this???? 
Well, let me tell you this, once I clarify what I mean by R.E.V.E.R.S.E, you will change your perspective of looking at things. 
Let me explain my step-by-step guidelines for living a healthy life… You can thank me later !! 🙂 


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

To start living a healthy life, you need to first realize what is your current state of health. Ask yourself the below questions?
    1. Are you sitting all day for work, entertainment, etc.?

    2. Are you not exercising daily for at least 45 mins?

    3. Are you not following a healthy diet?
    4. Are you a weekday healthy and weekend party person?

    5. Are you the person who always thinks ” I will start on Monday”?

If any of the answers to the above question is Yes, then it’s time to realize that you need to change your lifestyle. Realization is important because unless you realize the consequences of living this kind of life, nothing motivates you to start living a healthy life. 


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale
You need to consider yourself lucky that you have access to Indian traditional ingredients that can help you with the required nutrition and health benefits. You must listen to Rujuta Diwekar’s live talks, where she promotes local ingredients and share knowledge of how anyone can eat healthily and not restrict themselves with a strict diet regime, eat only this, don’t eat that so on and so forth. She recommends eating everything, but in portions and balanced. We in turn do exactly the opposite, our favorite food is JUNK. I love to eat Pizza… Yummm. I Love Cheese Burger… I Love Pasta etc. etc.
When you realize the importance of food, you will start living a healthy life. Remember what Amir Khan said in the Dangal movie interview, he said 80% is diet and 20% is exercise. So start evaluating your eating habits, and start making changes in your diet. I know it’s not that easy to make these changes right away, but slow and steady wins the race!


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

What I recommend you to do is first thing in the morning when you get up, just think about yourself as healthy as you want to be in the future. Be it as ripped as John Abhram or Arnold Schwarzenegger.  

This is a visualization technique that helps prepare your mind to achieve your goal and keep you focused on hitting your daily targets to keep in shape. I was reading the book “The 10X Rule” – In that, I learned that unless you set your goal 10 times than what you actually want to achieve, you won’t reach your realistic goal ever.    

So set your goals, Visualize them every day and see the magic happening slowly. 

The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

I know this is the most difficult part, but I am not asking you to start lifting heavy weights right on the first day. I suggest you start slowly. 
                1. Start with getting up early

                2. Start with 30 mins walks

                3. Start with Pre and Post-workout stretching

                4. Enroll in a health club – the reason for this is you will get motivated, assisted, and                                       good equipment

                5. When you think you need some advanced training, hire a trainer.

Exercising is one of the important components of healthy living. You must have noticed that all the successful people in the world work out and are healthy. Well, I am not suggesting that exercise will make you rich money-wise, but yeah you will be rich health-wise. 


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

I am a strong believer in self-development and growth. I think reading books give your a lot of information and learning. Reading articles, blogs, books, and self-help guides gives you the right direction to live life to the fullest. People spend a lot of time writing for others, you should take advantage of these resources which are available for free and some with minor subscriptions. 
        1. the First step is to make up your mind to read.

        2. Pick up a book and start reading

        3. Read 10 pages a day and gradually increase

        4. Read books that are of interest like Nutrition, the best way to plan your exercise,                                            Affirmations, Visualizations, Self-development, etc.

        5. Don’t just read the book, learn from the book.

I hated reading books, but when I attended a small 3-hour workshop with a known speaker, it changed my perception of life. Reading is now my favorite thing to do while I work out. I have taken a subscription to Audible which provides Audiobooks. I listen to them and take notes where I think they make a lot of impact in my day-to-day life. 
Bottom line – Start Reading BOOK… 


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

You must be thinking that whatever I said above is all “Gyaan” and nothing else, but let me tell you the most important fact of the R.E.V.E.R.S.E secret. Sustainability is critical to being successful in all the above points. It does not matter if you do everything for a week, or a month, what matters is how can you sustain living such healthy and happy life. Think about your loved ones, think about how are you responsible to take care of them, and think about the people who care for you. I think Sustainability will give you the most desired results if you follow the rest of the guidelines.    Some tips:-             

  1.  Write down your goals every day – This is what I read in Grant Cardone’s book.            
  2. Repetition makes the action a habit.            
  3. Affirmations in the morning when you get up. This has been a proven technique to keep focus.
  4. Do the above for 21 days as it’s scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to create a habit.  

See you on the other side. Someday !!!


The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale
The R.E.V.E.R.S.E Analogy of Healthy Lifestyle, Ajinkya Patale

Ask these questions every day to yourself before sleeping:      

1. What have I learned new today?    

2. Did I do anything which I planned to do today?    

3. What productive thing I have learned or done today?    

4. Have I made an impact in anyone’s life by sharing my learnings?    

5. What have I done to achieve a healthy lifestyle today?  

Unless you have all the positive answers, you have not evolved your life   Whatever I have mentioned above is what I have learned in my life so far and I am still continuing to be healthy and stress-free. Follow these guidelines and I guarantee you that you will evolve from what you are right now to a New you soon.    By now you have learned the secret of transforming your life into a healthy lifestyle.

Try it out and I am sure you’ll thank me later!

This is what I call the power of R.E.V.E.R.S.E. If you need details around any of the above points reach out to me by commenting on this blog with your email id and I will reach out to you to give you a more detailed process on how you can live plan to live your healthy lifestyle. 

Happy Healthy Life Ahead !

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