Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse

Happy Nurses Day !!!

Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale
Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale

Happy Nurses day – One of the noblest professions pioneered by Florence nightingale. 

When my mother got married to my father, my grandfather sent her for Nurse training. She was strong and determined to serve others. She knew that Nurse has a 100 % job guarantee. I have 2 elder sisters and one of them is a Nurse too. My eldest sister completed her nursing training and went to the UK and now she is settled there as a cardiac research nurse. See how my mom knew that this profession has a lot to offer to humanity all over the world.

I also started my career as a Nurse, well my mother told me that if I need a job ( typical middle-class mentality) I need to be a nurse. I was rebellious at the start and didn’t want to go for this training, but situations and my not-so-great academic grades suggested that I should go ahead and get trained as a Nurse. I joined a training school, and it was the best time of my education. I had a blast of my lifetime in Nashik, Maharashtra.


I completed my training and started working in Hospital as an ICU Staff Nurse in Mumbai. It was cool, my hospital was right beside the marine drive, beach view, and of course many patients for whom I was taking nursing care. I loved situations wherein critical situations we use to save someone’s life and sometimes help a mother deliver a baby and bring this new life into the world.

Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale
Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale

I had mine too. I was offered a job in a Healthcare IT company as a Support for the US Healthcare EHR vendor. I was excited, as I wanted to work for an IT company when I was in my college, and I grabbed this opportunity and moved to Pune, Maharashtra for this job. It was such great learning and building professional skills while I was working. I started studying technical courses and also did my MBA in hospital and healthcare management.

God's Plan

While I was working, my father came to stay with me, he was Ill, and sufferings from severe liver disease. I was shocked looking at him at the train station when I went to pick him up. Instantly the nurse inside me was awakened. I started taking care of him day in – day out. I use to work late nights and stay at home the whole day to take care of him. Right from brushing his teeth, helping him take a bath, cooking for him, and regular hospital visits to make sure he is doing well. 

I tried all the measures to help him get back to normal, but in one hospitalization the Doctor’s told me that he is in the last stage of metastatic cancer. I took him to our home town and in another 10 days, he went to be with God. God knows that I need to take care of my father. 

If I were not a Nurse, I would have struggled to take care of my father the way I did. So I think that God made me a nurse to take care of my father. Thank you, Lord!

Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale

Continuing from the above, my mom was still working as a Nurse in a government hospital and was in charge of a medical ward where many patients were admitted. She has this great ability to manage the whole ward with all the patients, consumables, furniture, medicines, etc. 

Managing so many alone was a big task, but Nurses are trained to do that. She got retired in 2012 and came to stay with me in Pune. I was excited that now I will stay with my mother. My mother had diabetes and she was taking proper care of it, but due to unforeseen situations, she had a cardiac event and went into failure. 

She was hospitalized and was very critical. I was with her taking care of her and after 15 days of hospitalization stay, she was back home. We (Me and my wife I) started taking care of her as she had a specific diet, regular meals, portion control, exercise, etc. She had multiple such events and I was always there to take care of her (God gave me that strength and remember I am a nurse too 😉 )



Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale
Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale

This year 2022 on Jan 31, she left to be with God and I felt that I did what I could as a Son as well as a Nurse. I am proud to be a Nurse and will always be.

Happy Nurse’s Day !!! Proud to be a Nurse, Ajinkya Patale

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