Don’t Fall for the Corporate Chakravyuh

Be the Arjuna, Be INVINCIBLE

My name is Ajinkya, and I am here to face-lift your stagnant Business, aging career, and cluttered personal life by helping you take a leap from the lows and stay at the peak.

One size fits all doesn’t work for me.

I Learned

the Hard way

I had these situations when I was building my career from a clinician to a Technology SME. I worked for endless hours just to get noticed by my seniors. I studied hard to keep up with the evolving technology and I failed many times. That is where I build this framework that I want to share with you so that you don’t fail in planning and executing your exciting career.

Today I am an executive-level contributor in one of the biggest MNCs where I contribute to the largest multi-million dollar projects.

It does not matter which level of career you are in.

If a Nurse who was completely Zero in Technology can build a strong career and character, you too can.. Just follow the framework I designed and you will transform yourself to be an ACE Performer in your Professional and Personal Life.

Dear Corporate Employees,

You have shown tremendous dedication and determination in your pursuit of professional growth.

The sacrifices you have made along the way are commendable. Late nights at the office, missed family gatherings, and the constant drive to exceed expectations testify to your unwavering commitment. You have willingly put in the extra effort, pushing yourself to learn and grow, even when it meant stepping out of your comfort zone. As you continue on this journey, you are aware of the sacrifices that lie ahead, but you remain undeterred.

Now is the time to embrace the 2.0 version of yourself, both professionally and personally. Find a balance that allows you to excel in your career while also cherishing and nurturing your family life. With this holistic approach, you can achieve the success you desire and witness the happiness of your loved ones. It's time to unlock your full potential and pave the way for a fulfilling future.


I am India’s First Career Face-lift Mentor, and I am passionate about helping people design their careers into dream careers and, in turn, live their dream.

My mission is to impact 1 million mid-IT career professionals who are struggling in their career growth with no clarity in life by redesigning their approach with my process-driven framework to be an ACE Performer and have enhanced workplace excellence and elevated standard of living.

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Ignite your inner self to illuminate your future and have guiding lights take you towards your dream life.

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It's Time To Redesign your Approach!

This ACE Performer framework will completely redesign your approach and transform you to be a Winner in any given situation .
How about getting this transformation within 3 months!
Move from ZERO to HERO without wasting your time and experiencing stress and frustration with your stagnant career and personal life... Its your time now.. Don't miss this opportunity!